Monday, October 5, 2015

Cheer Squad Obtains New Coach and Captains


By Bo Bauer, OHS Torch Reporter
            The new 2015 cheer team captains and their new coach are taking the spirit of Olympia to soaring new heights with new routines, outstanding stunts, and cool dance moves.

            There are two new captains of the cheer squad this year. Lainey Whitaker, senior, and Chloe Hilt, sophomore, are the two captains. They have been chosen captains because they both showed hard work, leadership, and the most important are role models.

            Mrs. Amber Kashner is the new head coach of the cheer squad. She has played a big role in teaching the cheerleaders new routines.

            “She has brought new stunts and has really cool dances,” said Hilt.

            “She has brought a lot to the practices and to the games. She likes to get everyone involved in every stunt,” said Whitaker.

            With all these new routines that the coach has brought to Olympia, they hope to keep the spirit of Olympia up at every sporting event they go to. There may also be a new dance during Homecoming that Captain Lainey Whitaker thinks that everyone will love.

The cheerleaders have changed their way from push-ups after every touchdown. they have changed it to doing more kicks and jumping jacks. They still sometimes do pushups if their coach will let them.

            The cheerleaders may have some changes coming soon. Kashner is thinking of potentially competing competitively within the next few years. They need to train the students more before they can compete on that level.

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