By Ellie Martin, OHS Torch reporter
On Wednesday, March 9, NHS officers helped Mrs. Shaw’s Life Skills class donate boxed foods to Helping Hands food pantry in Stanford; donated items came from NHS’s canned food drive in February.
Throughout the month of February, the classes of OHS were competing to see who could donate the most canned food in hopes for a week of double lunch. Canned foods gave each class one point, however, if another class chose to put boxed foods in their container they would lose a point.
By the end of the month, Olympia classes collected around seven boxes of nonperishable food items for Helping Hands. On Wednesday, the donations were loaded and taken to the food pantry by the Life Skills class and NHS officers Bekah Bauersfeld and Ellie Martin.
While there, OHS students were able to help sort, bag, and take inventory on donations within the facility. They were also able to tour and understand what Helping Hands has to offer and its impact.
Helping Hands assists the community by allowing residents of Allen Township to come once a month and receive needed food. Non-food items are also available to residents throughout the rest of the month.
Officer Bekah Bauersfeld said, “It was really fun getting to interact and see what the Life Skills class does every month at Helping Hands. I loved seeing them have fun helping others in the community.”
Having OHS students go assist Helping Hands is beneficial in many ways. Not only does it help the community residents and the volunteers at the pantry, but also all the students involved.
Hannah Baker said, “I really like going to the food pantry because it’s so much fun and I like to help people!”
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