Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bank Board Learns How Banks Make Bank

By Sara Rathbun OHS Torch reporter
On Tuesday, February 23, OHS Bank Board was held at Minier First Farmer’s State Bank to understand how banks earn an income; this lesson was taught by Mrs Schroeder’s husband.
Qualifications for Bank Board consists of having a high G.P.A., having taken a business class and being interested in business. The written qualifications are writing a letter of interest and having two teacher recommendations. From all of this information, OHS Business teachers, Mr. Klokkenga and Mrs. Schroeder, evaluate and select 10-14 students to participate in Bank Board.
Bank Board must dress business appropriate on the days that they meet which is the last Tuesday of every month, unless there is no school that day. Every meeting consists of a different topic regarding banking.
OHS Bank Board Sponsor, Mr. Josh Klokkenga, said, “ Students learn everything about banking. They learn about marketing, operations, customer service, CEO principles, loans, and human resources.”
Students who are considering Bank Board, but think that missing school would be a struggle should consider what they want to do after high school. If a student is thinking about a business career or working for a bank, then they should really consider Bank Board because of the experience it offers in all aspects of banking.
Bank Board Student, Carson Goff, said, “ I plan on becoming an accountant for a cattle business, so I am benefiting a lot by being in Bank Board and I feel as though I am getting more experience than I would not being in Bank Board.”
Another Bank Board Student, Genna VanWye, said, “ I am glad that I decided to participate in Bank Board because I’ve learned a lot of things about banking that will help me out in the future when I start banking on my own.”
Along with the banking lessons that are taught, there is also great food that is provided for the students because they miss lunch period while they are gone. The lunch is different every meeting and is provided by the Minier Bank.

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