Friday, March 18, 2016

Get Some Health Tips From Nurse Pfeffer


 By Kiersten Robbins, OHS Torch reporter
            There are many everyday things we do that spreads germs and causes students and teachers to become sick; OHMS Nurse Melissa Pfeffer is all about ways that will promote people’s good health.
            According to Nurse Pfeffer, only one-half of middle school and high school students wash their hands. Out of that half, only 33 percent of girls use soap when hand washing and only 8 percent of boys use soap when hand washing.
            Hand washing is the main factor that spreads germs around places. While hand washing, students should sing the Happy Birthday song twice as a length for how long hands should be washed. Also Nurse Melissa recommends disinfecting common items like cell phones and tv remotes, daily.
            “All three desks in the office have germ-x on them for students to use and I also Lysol the door handles often to stop the spread of germs,” said Mrs. Lynch, OHS secretary.
            “Please don’t hack on the kid in front of you in class when coughing. I don’t know how many people complain of wet hair,” said Nurse Pfeffer who is a huge promoter of covering your mouth when sneezing and coughing.
            If a student is running a temperature, that student should stay home until the fever is down without using fever reducers. A student also needs to stay home 24 hours after vomiting to help stop the spread of illness.
            Good hygiene, getting plenty of sleep at night, and eating healthy are simple steps to take to create a healthy life. According to Nurse Pfeffer, teenagers should shut down all technology items one hour before sleep so the brain can shut down and rest in a proper way.
            Staying healthy is a major factor on good attendance at OHS. Faculty is doing everything to help keep the students healthy and to keep the spread of germs to a minimum.

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