by Genna VanWye
The Olympia High School National Honor Society will hold its annual end of the year banquet on April 25th, at 6 pm to honor members, hand out cords and pins, and induct new members.
Senior NHS members will be honored for their involvement and community service over the years. They will each receive cords that can be worn on graduation day.
Katie Bergeron, senior, said, “NHS has been so helpful in pushing me to go out of my way for others that may not be as fortunate as I am. It has given me a sense of community and I feel as though I actually had an impact on others.”
Junior members will receive their NHS pins to honor their involvement in the program for one year.
Jake Eichelberger, junior, said, “My favorite part about NHS is helping the community and I’m looking forward to contributing even more next year.”
Sophomores and juniors who have qualified and written an entrance essay will be inducted at this banquet. They will enter the program starting in the 2016- 17 school year.
Chevy Wilkins, sophomore, said, “I am excited for NHS because of all the opportunities within the organization and I am looking forward to seeing what it is all about.”
As a member of National Honor Society, one is required to complete 20 hours of community service over the course of one school year. Some of the projects students were involved in this year include the NHS Haunted Halls, a canned food drive, Relay for Life, tutoring, lunch buddies, and Spartan bowlers.
With another year coming to a close, the Olympia High School National Honor Society is proud to have amazing kids coming into and leaving the program.
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