Thursday, April 14, 2016

DAR and SAR Citizens Chosen at OHS

By OHS Torch reporter, Jamie Hamblin
            Two exceptional Olympia High School seniors, Bekah Bauersfeld and Collin Schopp were selected as Good Citizens for the Sons of the American Revolution and the Daughters of the American Revolution Foundation program.
            The DAR Good Citizens program stands for Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. It encourages and rewards the qualities of a good citizen. It is open to all high school seniors. The qualities looked for in a DAR Good Citizen are dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism.
            Only one student per year can be honored as a school’s DAR Good Citizen. DAR citizens nominated receive a DAR Good Citizen pin, certificate, and wallet of recognition card.
            The nominee may enter the DAR Good Citizens scholarship contest, where they will first explain how he/she has displayed the qualities of a good citizen. They also must send in a transcript and two letters of recommendation. Secondly, a timed essay is completed, supervised by faculty or a DAR member.
            Bekah Bauersfeld is this year’s OHS DAR nominee.  She said, “I applied for the scholarships, but ended up not winning. I still received $50 for getting nominated. I sat in a room and wrote a one hour essay.  When we went to our luncheon, they read our essays out loud and announced the winner. I’m grateful for getting this opportunity.”
            SAR stands for General Joseph Bartholomew Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. Collin Schopp was the OHS nominee for SAR; he expressed all of the qualities in order to be nominated by the faculty of Olympia High School.  He attended a luncheon on April 14. All nominated seniors, parents, and a teacher or parent from each school will attend at the Bloomington Country Club in Bloomington, IL.  During the program, nominees will be announced; pins and certificates will be presented for the Citizenship Award winners. One outstanding student will win a $1000 scholarship for education.
            Collin Schopp, OHS SAR nominee, said, “I was honored.  It definitely wasn’t something expected.  It was a nice surprise to think that I was thought of when they were choosing the nominee for this. I haven’t won anything yet , but I am in the running for a smaller scholarship that’s decided after the recognition lunch later this month. I will most likely compete for the national scholarship as well.”

            Congratulations to our OHS seniors for being nominated for their outstanding achievements.

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