Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chamber Choir Tunes up for Madrigals

By Kathryn Bergeron, OHS Torch Reporter
In November the OHS Chamber Choir toured different places in the surrounding communities; while there they performed and practiced many of the Christmas songs that they will perform at Madrigals.

OHS senior Bekah Bauersfeld said, “This was my fourth year going on the Chamber Choir tour. My favorite part every year is visiting the cancer center and singing to the sick as they get their chemo. It’s one of the rare and beautiful  moments when you get to see someone’s face literally light up."

The Chamber Choir visited Minier Community Bank, the Hopedale Nursing Home, Boyton Mennonite Church, the Community Cancer Center, Broman Hospital, Broadview Mansion, and Luther Oaks.

This year there are 18 members in the Chamber Choir. The members consist of five sopranos: Anna Adams, Megan Driver, Kelsey Schrag, Kristen Schuette, and Paedra Tabor, four altos: Bekah Bauersfeld, Addie Ewalt, Marissa Horning, and Lauren Hostetter, four tenors: Dylan Maris, Ethan Shopp, Doug Stribling, and Alex Weber, and five basses: Matthew Althoff, Jacob Bowers, Daulton FInchum, Collin Shopp, and Caleb Yeazle.

OHS senior Daulton Finchum said, “The tour is one of my favorite parts of the year for Chamber Choir. People really enjoy listening to us and every year the places we visit ask for us to come back.”

This year there are 25 different songs that will be performed at Madrigals. Madrigals is a production that the Olympia Chamber Choir puts on every year around Christmas time.

The tour is a chance for the Chamber Choir to practice their songs before Madrigals. It gives the performers a chance to practice in front of people, unlike regular practices.

OHS senior Caleb Yeazle said, “This was my third year doing the tour and my favorite part is when the Bauersfeld’s make the food for us. It is so good!”

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