Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Olympia Art Students Working on New projects

By True Ledford, Torch Reporter

Olympia high school offers for different art classes, photography class and art 1 are currently working on new creative projects.

In photography, students learn to use a lot of different skills and techniques. They use Adobe Photoshop to alter and edit the photos. They use this program to design or edit their photo depending on the project.

The current project that the OHS photography classes working on is graphic design. Students took photos, using techniques they've learned in class, and then used those photos in Photoshop to design something new.

“ What I love about my photography class is that it's a very laid back, I can be as creative as I want,” said Sara Rathbun, OHS Photography student. According to Sara, her favorite project was when they took a picture outside and made it black and white, they then added color of their choice.

In Art 1, the current project is installation. With installation, the students fill empty space to create art. According to Mrs. Pitcher, the OHS art teacher, the students are using Olympia lockers for this project.

“It's a very fun and interesting process, the students have a lot of freedom and I'm excited to see what they create” said Mrs. Pitcher. The students are working in groups within each locker to create installation art.
“I love the freedom of this project, it lets me express myself however I want to,” said Sami Pierce, Art 1 student. According to Pierce, she is excited for this project because it gets the students a chance to get outside of the classroom and be imaginative. The students will be working unlockers for a few days.

According to pierce, her group is going to use clouds for their project, they plan on covering the locker in light blue and grey clouds, on the inside the house dark clouds in clouds hanging from the top colored with pastels.

One thing most of the art students agree about their new projects is how much they enjoy the freedom. They enjoyed being able to be as creative as they want to with their projects, and working with fellow students to get ideas and inspiration.

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